
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


Good weekend 

This weekend I met with two of my old friends from Shanghai.  One was the guy who shot the video for our very first swing dance party back in Christmas 2003.  The other was one of my oldest friends back in Shanghai.  Both of them were active in the Shanghai Swings group way back.  It was really great to see the both of them, because this last week had gotten a little more difficult.  Work had been just a touch harder than before, and I was getting tired and needed a good break.  Good to see them both.
I am still living in the hotel, but soon I'll be in a position to put down a deposit on an apartment.  This is always on my mind and my overriding priority.  There are several things which I would like to arrange in my personal affairs.  I want to get some new clothes, and get a Mandarin tutor, for instance.  It does not make sense to do either of these, because I don't want to haul around a lot more stuff when I move, and I want to be sure my tutor does not live too far from my house.
But the weekend was good, I am feeling much better and recharged.
More later,
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