
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


First week in Beijing 

Well folks, here's the story...
I'm in Beijing now.  It does feel strange to leave my 'home', which is Shanghai.  But I went into work the other day and met my co-workers.  Everyone is quite nice and they are very enthusiastic to have me on board.  I felt quite welcome and even a bit flattered by their response.  So, thus far so good.
I am living in a part of the city called Hai Dian.  This is considered by some to be 'outside' Beijing.  Like living in the suburbs, a bit.  It is technically in Beijing, of course, but it's a large town and some parts are very far from others.  But, I like the area I am living in.  I think I will get an apartment near work so that I can take the subway there and back.  The traffic in Beijing is very congested, all the time.  So, it seems a better idea to live near work and take the long trips into 'town' rather than living downtown and taking long trips to work every day.  I have 30 days in a hotel, paid by the company, to decide on my final apartment location.
As for swing, I am good friends with the local swing dance leader, Adam.  As for swing in Shanghai, I'm not much involved anymore.  It does feel a bit strange, a bit of a sting, to be outside my old project.  As said before, there were tensions between me and the person I left in charge.  She took on the project as her own, which is great.  But at the same time she seemed to feel my returning was a challenge to her authority.  Which, I suppose you could say it was.  In any event, I'm trying to remain positive about the whole thing.  At least the swing dance community is continuing.  Let's let some time go and let the thing work on its own.  Perhaps indeed it is time for me to move on anyhow.  But it's an emotional issue, which is always complicated.
I do have a small group of friends already here in Beijing.  Expats who work in Shanghai very frequently move about.  Many of the people I met from swing and in regular life live up here, and that's kind of good.
What else is there?  I'm looking now for apartments, as I said.  I can afford something halfways decent these days, and I'm going to treat myself on the home situation.  For a long time I've been living in not-so-good apartments, or with roommates.  Frequently I've moved about.  If I add up the total places I've lived in the past four years, I'd say it's at least 12 by now.  That can be tiring, changing places all the time.  One of the very good things about my current new life is stability.  I'll know where I am going to be for at least a year, probably two, and possibly more than that.  Plus, I'm in China, which was honestly my preferred location.  Plus, I have a job with a future.  So, overall, things are pretty good.
I do miss my friends back in Shanghai and in America.  It was nice to have gone back to the US to renew my visa.  It gave me a chance to see everyone again, although briefly.  It also gave me a chance to gather my stuff up, such a personal momentos and clothes and things I had left in the States.
That's about it for now.  I started my apartment search today and I think I found the neighborhood in which I want to live.  It's near a metro stop near a college town area.  There are a lot of restaurants, clubs, and theatres around, and the feeling is very energetic and lively.  The prices seem to be reasonable so far, though by no means cheap.  But there are many low cost places to eat and drink, so that's a plus.
My official start of work is on Monday.  Today is Friday evening.  The last three days I have done paperwork, gotten my work and residence permits, and basically gotten ready.  I wanted to start work right away, since I've been idle for a while and I'm restless.  But there are a few things to do with the paperwork, so I have a four-day weekend.  I'm sure I'll be glad that I had this time once I get into the daily grind.
All for now. 
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