
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...



Today I did my first signficant-potential interview.  It was in Beijing with a well-known American company.  I think it is a good fit in the position.  I interviewed with three people at the same time.  It lasted just short of two hours.  To me, it seemed like 15 minutes. 
I hope it was well received.  I am optimistic, but there's a lot running on this working out.  It would be right in many ways.  First, it is in my specialty.  Second, it is with a good company.  And third, it is in China, which gives me a chance to remain her and advance my career at the same time.
A telephone interview with staff in the US was scheduled for Saturday morning, but it has since been rescheduled.  I am telling myself that is because my Saturday morning is their Friday afternoon, so it's quite likely a person could be busy.  But when it is important, you can't help but care about it.
Wish me luck!
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