
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


I'm taking another step in permanence. I'm going setting up the paperwork and putting up official schedules for a dance studio. I've got a location with a really good studio and good relations with the management. And I feel like, yeaoh, this is a big step.

On the home front, things are smoothed over fine with the roommie. Just a bit of a complication; nothing serious. He's gotten a new job, and he's moving into a new location in town closer to work, so I'm going to be getting a new pot-luck roomie very soon. Too bad because I was just getting settled in! But I decided I'm not going to move to a new apartment, such as a single-room apartment for myself. It's better to be with people, especially when you are in a foreign country. So nice to be able to talk a few sentences in your own language when you get home.

I'm also going to be looking at teaching in a relatively famous Shanghai art school. A friend of mine has referred me to it. This would not be for the money, that's for sure! But I really want to start doing something to bring swing dancing to the Chinese. Plus I want to meet some more Chinese. I hang out a lot with other English-speaking expats. It's the only sane thing to do after a while. But if this new job did turn out OK, I'd be working with people who speak no English whatsoever, and taking a van for some 20 minutes out of town to meet up with them. I'm OK with that. I'm up for the challenge. The only way I will ever learn Chinese well is if I have no other choice but to communicate in it.

A few days ago I had a dinner with a friend of mine. She speaks absolutely no English at all. And I communicated (albiet roughly) for an entire meal, for about one hour. We did have a translation dictionary on hand, just in case we wanted to say anything complex. But in that time I probably practiced more Chinese than I had in months.

I guess it is safe to say I've achieved a small level of fame now. The cover of City Weekend was seen by just about everyone. People who I have met and not seen for months are all congratulating me on it. It was really a coup. First the movie, then the cover. And the cover was completely unrelated to my work on the movie- it didn't mention it at all.

Even with this, today I am feeling a little homesick. I have not left China since I arrived; over one and a half years. The swing dancing has helped; I meet many foreigners and I get a feeling of being at home when we have a swing dance.

Also, a new news article on swing, if you want to see it:

On that topic, we held a dance at a local bar on Valentines Day. This falls on a Monday during Spring Festival. For one week after Chinese New Year, almost every Chinese gets the week off and travels back home. It's as important to them as Chirstmas and New Years are to Americans (maybe moreso, since they actually get a full week off!). As a result, most places are dead. But our swing dance night had 170 people show up! Whoo hooo! That's the biggest turn-out for an event we have ever had. Credit goes to the venue for proper promotion, but it's also a sign that things are getting better for dance.

I want to get in another movie. That's what I'm hungry for, really. It was so exciting. Everyone around was excited about it. At the gym today I met a guy who was a dancer in the last movie. He said he's been doing some Chinese movie extra work, which pays poo-poo. I have been asked to come as an extra on some of these movies, but unless there is either a famous director or some dancing in it, it doesn't make much sense to join in because the pay is so low.

The other day I went out to a local watering hole which had been home to many a nights out with the boys. When I got there, I really felt like I didn't belong there. Or rather, I wasn't having any fun. I was just there to meet up with someone and leave. I did see a bunch of friends, which was cool. But the scene just didn't interest me. I think I prefer the swing nights more now!

So peace all. My mom's in Germany, where my sister and brother-in-law are now living. And, sometimes it slips my mind, my sister is expecting very soon. I think within a few weeks. That's why my mom has gone out to visit her. So that means I'll be an uncle soon. That's cool. I'm glad my sister had a kid before I did (assuming I do). She's the most responsible one of our siblings, and probably the best suited for the task.

It's 2am Saturday. The weather in Shanghai is just below freezing, and a small blanket of snow is covering everything. That's the first time I've ever seen snow accumulate. So peace, y'all!

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