
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


It's Tuesday over here 

Today I woke up and wanted to quit.  I wanted to find a new job, a real job, and it worried me because I don't know what career I mignt go into.  But, I checked email and there is a guy who is starting a new jazz bar out here and he wants me to dance at the opening.  Then in the evening, the film company called and want me to work tomorrow as Ralph's stand-in.  So for the moment I guess I just going to stay put and do the same thing.
41 people came on Sunday, the largest turnout ever for that venue on that night.  Only 4 new people joined, which is not enough, but I have to say I am happy with the result.  Everyone like dance, not so many like paying.  Hopefully money will come from other directions.
Occaisionally I have been wanting to do something more 'philanthropic' with my life.  I think it might help me get over things if I focus on helping other people.  Worth a try.  Today I went to the gym, joining two of my friends there.  It's much better to go with your friends.  That applies to about everything.  Like shopping.  I hate shopping.  Want to absolutely minimize my time there.  But I don't mind shopping so much when I'm with a friend.
Suppose I should not take too long today on this.  My friend Pilar and her boyfriend (from San Fran) are in town tomorrow and I'm supposed to go hang out with them. I have a Jazz CD opening party on Thursday, starting about 10pm.  It's at a place called M on the Bund.  "The Bund" is a French-architecture area in the Huangpu River area of Shanghai.  It was famous in the 1930's when Shanghai first emerged as an international city.  The Bund was also used for the filming of the White Countess movie.
Well, my roommate wants his computer back.  I need to do something to get me to go to sleep soon since I work at 6am!
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