
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


There are these types of people I keep running into. I would like to create a label for them, because they always throw me off when I have to deal with them and if I could call them "One-of-THOSE" types of people, I think it would be easier to blow them off.

They tend to have a few things in common. First, reasonably intelligent. Second, a very high regard for their own ability in one fashion: either highly educated, very attractive, skillful, or whatever. Third, show any sort of human weakness or indecision and they will pounce upon it as if they really have it all together and you'd be best off to take their sage advice. Fourth, they disagree with just about anything you say, as if contrariness were a skill they want to keep sharp.

There is another basic characteristic -- most observers agree that they really do lack any sort of great ability or trait. In fact, it may be very much the opposite. A person who views themselves as 'very confident' is actually quite insecure and constantly criticize everyone around them to keep the social upper hand. People who think they are 'quite hot' are really rather unattractive by any standards. And folks who describe their mastery of multiple skills really lack any specfic accomplishments.

It's not so bad when you have to deal with these people on a short-term basis. You just roll your eyes, check the time, and be on your merry way. But when you must see them frequently or deal with them constantly over a period of time, it starts to get to you. It gets to me, anyhow. I have been considering just telling these people off. Man, I must say it would really make me feel better. But if this person is important for whatever reason or connected to you professionally or socially, its not the same thing.

In a way I think it is god's way of punishing me, or karma if you will. I could be described as being in the past very much like "One-of-THOSE" people. I hope I have grown out of it. I think I have. That's probably why it bugs me so much to see folks like that now.

Anyhow, please forgive my rant of the day. And may you not run into any folks like this during your own day.
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