
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


In the next several days, we are going to "Lindy Bomb" several different bars. We're going out dancing and see how things are at different places. Perhaps we will meet some people who want to learn. Perhaps we will find a bar which would like to host a swing dance night.

Our target date for opening the class is Oct 15. We are going try to get the Website ShanghaiSwings.com up tomorrow (or at least designed) and we would like to take some promotional photos on Wednesday. The article in the paper is going to be published this weekend, so we would like to get the photos ready by then.

Zabi, my old roommate, has left back to Germany. I have a new roommate now, Henriette, who is very nice. She is tall and blonde and within the first two days here a modelling agent stopped her on the street. On Wednesday she is going to do some sort of television work. Dang! I want to do that, too! :-)
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