
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


Crazy, crazy town. I will meet someone new one day. Then, the next day I will introduce them to some of my older friends, and it turns out that they already know each other. This is a small town for expats.

Today I met with a woman who is considering hiring ShanghaiSwings! for a show in October. I hope it works out. So far shows are our only source of income. We are still teaching beginners classes for free. Our goal is to have a stable and profitable business by the end of the current month. I still sometimes feel hesitation about starting this project, but I think that's probably normal. Also, it's simply too late to turn back now!

Tomorrow I have a interview with a local Shanghainese newspaper. I met the editor at a networking meeting and he seems to think my story is interesting. I've never been interviewed before! This I am looking forward to.
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