
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


T-Minus 8 Hours.
The car is sold, and I have just a few remaining details to take care of before I leave. Today I need to put my clothes in a final packing arrangement, send some info to my broker, do some DMV paperwork, and send off some final packages and letters. I also need to arrange all my Shanghai phone numbers and contacts in my notebook. I leave for the airport in five hours.

Last night two of my best friends invited me out to a dinner. Man, I needed that. I had been getting a slow buildup of stress! We talked for quite a while about all sorts of the usual things -- jobs, parents, Lolapalooza. Friends make all the difference!

At the moment, I have no keys. Most of your life, you have lots of keys. Car keys, house keys, dorm keys, work keys, and so forth. But I am keyless.

And away I go.
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