
For three years, I have been in China teaching Swing Dancing. Now I'm wandering yet again...


Today I worked on my cousin's business plan. His plan was pretty good; I just worked on the formatting and I created the cash flow statement. We put some nice graphics on it, proofread and rewrote it, and as soon as we slap a nice cover on it we're in business.
I met tonight a girl who may be another swing dance student. That would bring me up to six students total, should we proceed with this. Actually, with the gym starting up this could be a good thing. I can hold the initial dance class in the gym. I can cut my teeth on teaching, see how I like it with a friendly audience. Then, if it's good I'll just go with it. I have also considered inviting my Mandarin tutor and her husband to join in as well.
Wan an,
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